Thursday, December 31, 2015

Milk Destroys Your Bones From the Inside But Everyone Drinks It Every Day!

Milk Destroys Your Bones From the Inside But Everyone Drinks It Every Day!

We are all well familiar with the slogan “Got Milk?”…. This marketing strategy has worked for years. The entire society (backed up by government suggestions) vigorously promotes the consumption of dairy. How else are we going to get the calcium and Vitamin D that is proudly featured on every carton of milk? Well, along with the promised calcium and added Vitamin D, you are a getting other things that might make you reconsider drinking pasteurized milk. So what are the dangers of conventional pasteurized milk?
The study, which followed 61,433 women aged 39 to 74 over 20 years, and 45,339 men of similar age for 11 years, found that the more cow’s milk people drank, the more likely they were to die or experience a bone fracture during the study period. So why does milk cause osteoporosis and bone fractures?
The pasteurization process creates calcium carbonate which can not enter the cells without a chelating agent. So this makes your body pull the calcium from the bones and other tissues in order to buffer the calcium carbonate in the blood. This process actually causes osteoporosis.

Why Milk is Bad For You: The Real Dangers of Milk

Casein Intolerance
Casein is the main protein in milk and dairy products. Casein acts in a similar way to gluten which can potentially lead to severe auto-immune problems. If you are gluten intolerant, you are most likely casein intolerant as well. Respiratory problems, allergies and illnesses are associated with the consumption of casein.  Dr. T. Campbell wrote in his book “The China Study” about a very vivid correlation between animal protein consumption and cancer development, thus showing that casein protein promoted cancer in every stage of its development. The casein protein found in milk is called A1 beta casein which is a long chain of amino acids. It is believed to be the result of a genetic mutation in cattle.  The protein found in ancient breeds of cattle is called beta-casein A2. During digestion A1 beta casein is broken down into a peptide flow of 7 amino acids called beta casomorphin (BCM7). Beta-casein A1 has a weak bond to  BCM7. Thus, much of BCM7 gets into our bloodstream, which can easily pass through the blood brain barrier into the brain where it can bind to opioid receptors. These opioids have an effect on immune function which is linked to autoimmune disorders. The absorption of BCM7 activates many changes in the immune system, in the brain, and in the blood vessels.

Dairy Products are Acidifying. Milk Destroys Your Bones From the Inside.

Cow’s milk and its products produce acid.The consumption of milk creates a net metabolic acidity in the body. In order to return to a body’s natural alkaline state and neutralize the acidity, calcium and phosphorous are drawn from your bones. Many scientific studies have shown that not only do our bodies barely absorb the calcium in cow’s milk, but actually calcium loss is increased. Amy Lanou Ph.D., nutrition director for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, D.C., states, “The countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are the ones where people drink the most milk and have the most calcium in their diets. The connection between calcium consumption and bone health is actually very weak, and the connection between dairy consumption and bone health is almost nonexistent.”

Elevated Insulin Levels

Milk is very insulinogenic. Even though the glycemic index of dairy products is relatively low, it has a high insulin index. Researchers have found that both proteins in milk, casein and whey, stimulate the production of insulin from the pancreas. In 2001 the study of 3,000 infants with genetically increased risk for developing diabetes was done in Finland. It demonstrated that early introduction of cow’s milk increased susceptibility to type 1 diabetes.
There are other alternatives to drinking milk which include raw fermented choices such as whole milk yogurt, kefir, cultured butter, clotted milk. The general process of milk fermentation involves the production of lactic acid from lactose in the milk. Fermentation increases the shelf-life of the product,  and improves the digestibility of milk.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Make $40,000 A Month By Helping Us To Give Away $10 Bills

How To Make $40,000 A Month By Helping Us To Give Away $10 Bills



Finally! A simple, no BS way of making money online from home
without EVER having to buy or sell anything!

Receive a $10 FREE Gift to your commission account just for registering!

Unlimited Income Potential

  • This opportunity is modelled on an existing, 20 year old, billion dollar company that pockets 100% of the income.
  • We have simply decided to pay 83% of the income generated to members and keep 17% for admin costs and our own profit.
  • You will be rewarded for helping to build our membership base by simply referring people.
  • We will give $10 absolutely FREE and without obligation to everybody that registers.
  • How many $10 can you help us give away? 
  • The more you refer the greater your potential income.
  • Help us give away $10 to 100 people and your potential income (based on current figures from the organisation we are modelling) could easily be over $15,000 a month.

What I can tell you is that we will be offering a service that allows people to make money and they will only be charged a fee when they actually generate a cash level that they decide is acceptable.
At that time they will pay us 12% of their income and that will be shared amongst you as follows:
  1. 6% goes to tier 1 payments 2% to tier 2 payments 2% to tier 3 payments and 2 for admin.
  2. As an example if you introduce Alan who makes $100 you can receive $6. If Alan introduced Brenda who makes $100 then you will make $2 and if Brenda introduced Colin who makes $100 then (if you are a paid pro member) you will make $2.

It is a win win situation where profits are shared and if no profits are made there are no fees.
The business we are modelling made almost $12 BILLION from these 12% fees in 2014 so can you see some potential?

However, if you have no-one in your team because you did not refer anyone your potential income from these profit share payments is $0. You will, however, be able to use the system to generate your own cash and pay the 12% when you make your set goal.

Your future is in your hands, we WILL grow to have literally millions of members; how many do you want in your team?

Get your links out there now and start helping us give away $10 registration bonuses.

Payment Of Commissions

We are looking at different options but will include...
  • Bitgold
  • Paypal
  • Check
  • Bank Transfer
  • Western Union
There will be different fees (not yet set) associated with the above.

Updates and Information

This is where you will get updates and assistance in creating a massive income from this amazing opportunity. Check often to make sure you have the latest information and tools.

When you are building ANY business it is advisable to build a list. You have all heard that, "the money is in the list" and that is TRUE!

To build a list you need an offer that people want to receive and so are willing to subscribe to receive that offer......

What better than a $10 FREE gift PLUS the opportunity to make thousands of $$$ a month PASSIVELY from a 20 year old proven system?

So I recommend you take the following steps...

  1. Create a squeeze page, ideally on your own website to promote this offer and build a list.

  2. Create a welcome page to brand yourself and  provide additional information to your new subscribers

  3. Create an email auto response providing your registration link for this opportunity. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Never Wake Up Tired Again - Mix just Two Ingredients

Mix Two Ingredients Before Bed And Never Wake Up Tired Again... 

In both men and women, the average amount of sleep has been steadily decreasing and in recent years has dropped from 7-8 hours, to 6-7 hours a night. This may not seem like a big difference, but it does make a huge difference to your body! 

During the day, your body is working hard to keep up with your day and it requires the appropriate amount of time to rest, recover, and recharge to do it all over again.

Most people think that not getting a good night's sleep simply means you'll be a little tired the next day, maybe a little foggy. It's nothing that a cup of coffee can't fix, right? Coffee does help, but loading yourself up with caffeine is a band-aid solution and not a permanent fix.

Lack Of Sleep And Health

Lack of sleep is a factor in some of the most serious health problems and can be a trigger for illness and disease. Studies have found that people who have a shortened sleep, which is defined by less than 6 hours, are at an increased risk of heart disease

In 2011, the European Heart Journal's review of 15 medical studies involving almost 475,000 people, found that the ones with shortened sleep cycles had a 48% increased risk of developing or dying from coronary heart disease. They also found that these people were also at a 15% greater risk of developing or dying from stroke.

The study also links long sleepers, or people who average nine or more hours a night, to a 38% increased risk in developing or dying from coronary heart disease, and a 65% increased risk of stroke. Therefore, balance is the key. 

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Daily Distractions And Technology

The world we live in today doesn't make it easy to get a good night's sleep. People are reporting higher levels of stress caused by things like work, current events, family situations, and other factors that didn't affect past generations. We are also using more and more technology that affects our sleep cycles without us even realizing it. 

There are many sleep aids that can be purchased but they are artificial and may even cause dependency with some people. As always, Mother Nature has provided us with a natural solution to this ever increasing problem. 

The Ultimate Sleep Recipe...

This simple, two-ingredient recipe is your key to getting a great night's sleep. It will help your body relax and regroup from the day, and prepare itself for the next morning. 

All you need is:

  • 5 teaspoons of organic raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan sea salt

Mix these two ingredients together and store it in a glass jar. You can make as much or as little as you want, but a 5:1 ratio works the best. Just put a little bit of this mixture under your tongue every night before you go to sleep and let it dissolve naturally.

Salt & Honey

Himalayan sea salt contains more than 80 minerals and elements that your body needs for different processes, aiding your body in recovering from the day. Honey contains glucose with aids in supplying our body's cells with energy.

The combination of honey and salt increases serotonin, helps us to de-stress naturally and get the best sleep possible. Try this natural sleep aid and rest easy knowing your body will be ready to face the next day....

Sources: Why Don't You Try This, WebMD, Health Advisor Group, Healthy Holistic Living, Real Farmacy 
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Saturday, November 21, 2015

10 Amazing Detox Teas

10 Amazing Detox Teas

When it comes to detoxifying, it is as important to detoxify both your mind and body.
Detoxifying the mind can be achieved through meditation, yoga, and other breathing and mental exercises that make you feel calm and refreshed.
On the other hand, detox teas are known for their health benefits to your body and you should try at least one of the following:

1.    Green Tea
Image source: WBHI Think Tank
Image source: WBHI Think Tank
You can’t have a good detox diet without drinking green tea. Green tea does wonders for our body because it is packed with antioxidants which your body uses to fight toxins and diseases.
Green tea also aids in weight loss, as well as reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. This is the most popular tea around, is easy to find in your local supermarkets and definitely inexpensive to incorporate into your daily diet.

2.    Milk Thistle Tea
Image source: Physical Graffitea
Image source: Physical Graffitea
A good tea made from dried milk thistle is all you need for your liver to function properly. The liver is one of our vital organs, and if our liver do not function optimally, if will affect all other organs thereby potentially causing a domino effect.
Milk thistle tea also has digestive benefits so you will not only help the liver filter out toxins, but also help the entire system to flush waste out of your body.

3.    Neem Tea
Image source:

This interesting herb is more commonly found in India and Southeast Asia. Neem tea is good for fighting numerous illnesses, so whenever you are feeling a little sick, boil water and make some neem tea for yourself.
Like milk thistle tea, neem tea is also good for the liver, but it also contains vitamins such as vitamin C that are good for your health.

4.    Red Clover Tea
Image source:
Image source:
Most teas are great detoxifying drinks, just like the red clover tea with its high anti-oxidant levels. They are needed to fight against free radicals found in our everyday food to prevent us from falling sick easily.

5.    Triphala Tea
Image source: Triphala Tea
Image source: Triphala Tea
Looking for a good tea for better bowel movement? Triphala is the herb for you! Triphala tea is great for treating constipation and you should include this tea in your detox program.
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6.    Turmeric Tea
Image source: Turmeric Tea
Image source: Turmeric Tea
More than just another spice for your meals and salads, turmeric is also great when mixed with boiling water to make turmeric tea. It breaks down toxins found in your liver by enhancing the production of bile and ensure your liver is functioning optimally and not over-stressed.
7.    Yellow Dock Tea
Image source: LIVESTRONG.COM
Image source: LIVESTRONG.COM
Yellow dock tea detoxifies your liver and is a good treatment for people with constipation. If you stick to drinking this special tea daily, you will soon discover that many symptoms you previously had will slowly go away. Yellow dock tea is good for improving your digestion, cleansing your digestive system all while tasting delicious at the same time!
8.    Garlic Tea
Garlic tea may not sound the most appealing, but its health benefits definitely are. Garlic tea contains sulphur which is needed in the detoxification process. In countries like Mexico and Spain, garlic tea is regularly served to treat coughs and the common cold because they act as decongestants.
9.    Cayenne Pepper Tea
Image source: Infinite Soul Journey
Image source: Infinite Soul Journey
Although the health benefits of cayenne pepper is still not fully known, more and more people are embracing it and making it a part of their diet.
Cayenne pepper tea not only detoxifies and cleanse your body, it is also a source of energy and to keep you feeling refreshed. To reduce the spicy taste, try adding a slice of lemon with some honey!

10.    Cilantro Tea
Image source: Live Free, Live Natural
Image source: Live Free, Live Natural
This should be familiar to chefs because adding cilantro to any dish gives it a strong but tasty flavour. Now, you can even make a pretty good detox tea out of it!
Cilantro tea is growing in popularity and it does indeed have some benefits that will be worth your brewing. It is good for the entire digestive system because cilantro helps  to process food better, thereby helping with any indigestion problems you may have. Further down the digestive system, it also helps to remove waste from your body efficiently.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

This is Why You Have Bloated Stomach and How to Get Rid of Bloating and Lose Weight Overnight!

This is Why You Have Bloated Stomach
      and How to Get Rid of Bloating 
and Lose Weight Overnight!

Envision a situation in which I let you know there was a bacterium out there that has contaminated 2/3 of the people. You would apparently tell me I am crazy and not believe it. Yet, there is really an intestinal bacterium out there that has been making complications for a while now.

Are you familiar with H Pylori, or Helicobacter Pylori? In the event that you haven’t heard about it, that is not your fault. It is an asymptomatic intestinal bacteria which is hard to distinguish without appropriate medical examination.

How can you tell?
It is furthermore known for its humiliating signs, such as burping, bloating, diarrhea, flatulence, esophageal reflux, heartburn, constipation and upper and mid-stomach torment. For some, these symptoms are hard to relate to this bacterium. Various people basically think signs like these are common bodily capacities.

H Pylori is the principle wellspring of gastritis, which is an irritation of the stomach lining. This is accountable for 90% of each duodenal ulcer and around 80% of each and every gastric ulcer. Also, H Pylori can cause different non-digestive conditions, such as cardiovascular issues, headaches and Raynaud’s sickness, which is the impaired circulation in the hands and feet.

It could also cause sadness and anxiety. This is in light of the fact that H Pylori can cause an absence of serotonin in the brain. So, you understand why various people frequently feel uncomfortable publicly when the bacterium is floating inside of them.
It can happen to you

It can be hard to focus and manage an issue like this, especially when you have no clue what is going within you. The bacterium lives basically in the stomach lining of individuals and animals. This isn’t mostly connected with bringing about issues like stress and sadness. In any case, the bacterium works in tricky ways to change the way you feel without you giving it much thought.

Various people contract H Pylori by consuming contaminated food or water. This happens by fecal matter.  In the event that people make your food without washing their hands you could be at risk of H Pylori. Check the conditions of each restaurant you go, and what’s more, the cleanliness of your home.
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What would you be able to do about it?
More than 80% of cases have had H Pylori adequately irradiated. Anti-infection agents are also to a great degree important in cases like this. Counsel your doctor to get the right medicine. Most of the time antibiotics would not be required, but with the end goal of this issue, it is best you search for medical attention.

Having a decent eating routine is very important if you want to avoid this bacterium. Guaranteeing you get a considerable measure of vitamins A, C and E, in addition to zinc, is a tolerable start, since all of them protect your stomach lining. Also, you can take probiotics like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium to keep you safe.

The initial wellspring of H Pylori is not totally known, but instead there are suggestions for maintaining a strategic distance from this issue. Verify you keep up incredible cleanliness like washing your hands much of the time, and what’s more, drinking water from a safe source.
In the event that you feel you are at threat of H Pylori, contact your doctor and have a thorough examination. You can never be certain enough when it comes to problems like this, especially if it could cause an issue for your social or work life.
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