Saturday, November 21, 2015

10 Amazing Detox Teas

10 Amazing Detox Teas

When it comes to detoxifying, it is as important to detoxify both your mind and body.
Detoxifying the mind can be achieved through meditation, yoga, and other breathing and mental exercises that make you feel calm and refreshed.
On the other hand, detox teas are known for their health benefits to your body and you should try at least one of the following:

1.    Green Tea
Image source: WBHI Think Tank
Image source: WBHI Think Tank
You can’t have a good detox diet without drinking green tea. Green tea does wonders for our body because it is packed with antioxidants which your body uses to fight toxins and diseases.
Green tea also aids in weight loss, as well as reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. This is the most popular tea around, is easy to find in your local supermarkets and definitely inexpensive to incorporate into your daily diet.

2.    Milk Thistle Tea
Image source: Physical Graffitea
Image source: Physical Graffitea
A good tea made from dried milk thistle is all you need for your liver to function properly. The liver is one of our vital organs, and if our liver do not function optimally, if will affect all other organs thereby potentially causing a domino effect.
Milk thistle tea also has digestive benefits so you will not only help the liver filter out toxins, but also help the entire system to flush waste out of your body.

3.    Neem Tea
Image source:

This interesting herb is more commonly found in India and Southeast Asia. Neem tea is good for fighting numerous illnesses, so whenever you are feeling a little sick, boil water and make some neem tea for yourself.
Like milk thistle tea, neem tea is also good for the liver, but it also contains vitamins such as vitamin C that are good for your health.

4.    Red Clover Tea
Image source:
Image source:
Most teas are great detoxifying drinks, just like the red clover tea with its high anti-oxidant levels. They are needed to fight against free radicals found in our everyday food to prevent us from falling sick easily.

5.    Triphala Tea
Image source: Triphala Tea
Image source: Triphala Tea
Looking for a good tea for better bowel movement? Triphala is the herb for you! Triphala tea is great for treating constipation and you should include this tea in your detox program.
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6.    Turmeric Tea
Image source: Turmeric Tea
Image source: Turmeric Tea
More than just another spice for your meals and salads, turmeric is also great when mixed with boiling water to make turmeric tea. It breaks down toxins found in your liver by enhancing the production of bile and ensure your liver is functioning optimally and not over-stressed.
7.    Yellow Dock Tea
Image source: LIVESTRONG.COM
Image source: LIVESTRONG.COM
Yellow dock tea detoxifies your liver and is a good treatment for people with constipation. If you stick to drinking this special tea daily, you will soon discover that many symptoms you previously had will slowly go away. Yellow dock tea is good for improving your digestion, cleansing your digestive system all while tasting delicious at the same time!
8.    Garlic Tea
Garlic tea may not sound the most appealing, but its health benefits definitely are. Garlic tea contains sulphur which is needed in the detoxification process. In countries like Mexico and Spain, garlic tea is regularly served to treat coughs and the common cold because they act as decongestants.
9.    Cayenne Pepper Tea
Image source: Infinite Soul Journey
Image source: Infinite Soul Journey
Although the health benefits of cayenne pepper is still not fully known, more and more people are embracing it and making it a part of their diet.
Cayenne pepper tea not only detoxifies and cleanse your body, it is also a source of energy and to keep you feeling refreshed. To reduce the spicy taste, try adding a slice of lemon with some honey!

10.    Cilantro Tea
Image source: Live Free, Live Natural
Image source: Live Free, Live Natural
This should be familiar to chefs because adding cilantro to any dish gives it a strong but tasty flavour. Now, you can even make a pretty good detox tea out of it!
Cilantro tea is growing in popularity and it does indeed have some benefits that will be worth your brewing. It is good for the entire digestive system because cilantro helps  to process food better, thereby helping with any indigestion problems you may have. Further down the digestive system, it also helps to remove waste from your body efficiently.

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