Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Never Do This Exercise...

Never Do This Exercise...


Plus: The 5 WORST Exercise Mistakes That Are Destroying Your Metabolism,
Keeping You Flabby, Weak & Injury-Prone

Discover How to Alkalize Your Body
With All Natural Alkaline Diet & Get Your Alkaline Foods List

A simple and natural way to treat your body, try it today and let us know your results!

Surprisingly, not all exercises are good for you.

In fact, research has discovered that doing crunches, sit-ups and other ab-targeted exercises will NOT help you get flat, washboard abs.
The problem is when you do conventional ab exercises, your stomach muscles feel sore, which fools you into thinking that you’re working your abs.  Yet, after weeks of religiously doing your ab routine, your belly looks just as bloated and soft as it did before.  All that time and pain for nothing!
Here’s the TRUTH…
Crunches, sit-ups, side bends (and other common ab exercises) force you to bend and contort your body in unnatural ways.  This may come as a surprise, but your abs were NOT designed to crunch, twist, or bend.  In fact, it’s the complete opposite! 
The real role of your abdominal muscles is to PREVENT your mid-section from crunching, twisting, and bending.  That’s right, your abs are a stabilizing force designed to resist movement in order to protect your spine.
So even though you “feel the burn” when you do crunches and sit-ups, you’re actually putting unnecessary pressure on your back, causing more harm than good.  These ab exercises can cause lower back injuries by forcing your spine to bend too much, and they do very little to actually help you get a flat, tight stomach.
The key to getting sculpted abs is to burn off that stubborn layer of belly fat that’s hiding them.  On the next page, I’ll show you how to quickly burn away the “ab flab” so you can finally carve out those lean, ripped abs.
But first, here are the 5 WORST exercise mistakes you MUST stop making (if you want to crank up your metabolism so you can melt away stubborn body fat and KEEP it off)...

Doing Long Bouts of Cardio

Mistake #1: Doing Long Bouts of Cardio

If you’ve been doing cardio workouts to try and slim down, I have some alarming news…
Steady-state cardio (like jogging or doing the elliptical) increases the production of a stress hormone called cortisol.  Cortisol causes weight gain and makes it more difficult to burn off stubborn belly fat. 
That’s why no matter how much cardio you do, you can’t seem to raise your metabolism and you always hit a plateau eventually.
Even worse, too much cardio accelerates aging!  When you put your body under prolonged stress, you start producing free-radicals, which damages your cells and causes inflammation…and inflammation is what makes you OLD.  Yikes!
But, there is a RIGHT way to do cardio.  Stick with me because I’m going to reveal what you can do to get insane results in half the time of your regular cardio workout—without causing unnecessary stress on your joints. (Once you learn this simple trick, you’ll kick yourself for not doing it all along!)

Doing Isolated Exercises

Mistake #2: Doing Isolated Exercises

Doing isolated exercises (like bicep curls and tricep extensions) will NOT help you build lean muscle and get toned & fit.  When you do these “isolated” exercises, you’re only working one muscle at a time.  The problem is that these exercises do very little to increase your metabolism.
Here’s why:  In order to boost your metabolism, your heart rate has to be raised to a certain level.  But when you’re only working ONE muscle at a time, it’s virtually impossible to recruit enough muscle fibers to increase your heart rate significantly, so you’ll never be able to spike your metabolism or maximize your calorie burn.
If you want to slim down and tone up fast, you need to do exercises that stimulate as many muscles as possible at the same time.  On the next page, I’ll show you the most effective exercises that target every inch of your body—so you can replace flab with lean, defined muscle.

Using Gym Machines

Mistake #3: Using Gym Machines

Those big, shiny machines sure make the gym look high-end, but truthfully, the only thing they’re good for is for sitting down while you tie your shoes or catch your breath!
The problem is this: Machines alter the way your body naturally moves, restricting your range of motion. This severely limits your ability to fully activate all of your muscles fibers, which means less fat burning and less muscle toning.
Worse yet, machines can cause muscular imbalance and excessive strain on your joints, leading to nagging injuries down the road.
If you want fast results, you MUST incorporate exercises that allow your body to move naturally with full range of motion so you can skyrocket your metabolism and put fat-burning on autopilot.
In a minute, I’ll explain the 6 primary movements that are the foundation of these exercises…and I’ll also fill you in on the best types of weights to use for your workouts (no big, clunky gym machines required!).

Repeating The Same Workouts Over & Over

Mistake #4: Repeating The Same Workouts Over & Over

Repeating the same workout routine over and over is a surefire way to STOP getting results. We’re creatures of habit and we tend to stick to things we’re familiar with and good at. But when it comes to working out, if you want to make progress and keep seeing changes in your body, you’ve got to start switching things up.
You see, your body has an amazingly ability to adapt quickly and when it does, that’s when you hit the dreaded plateau and you STOP making progress.
In a few minutes, I’m going to tell you exactly how often you need to change up your workout routine so you can keep your body guessing, which will keep your metabolism running on high so you can kiss that spare tire goodbye…

Doing Long Workouts

Mistake #5: Doing Loooong Workouts

Longer workouts do NOT equal better or faster results. If you’ve been slaving away at the gym and your body isn’t visibly changing, you can’t do more of the same thing and expect a different result.
When it comes to getting lean and fit, your body responds to quality over quantity. I’m going to tell you the #1 way to super-charge your workouts—this simple, yet overlooked method is the single fastest way to getting lean and ripped while cutting your workout time almost in half.  This technique will open up a can of whoop-ass on your workout!

How To “Fix” Your Metabolism

Alright, now that you know what NOT to do, here’s the good news…
Science has proven that there are specific types of exercises that trigger a potent fat-burning effect, which skyrockets your metabolism and boosts your fat-burn for up to 48 hours after your workout is over.
These exercises activate more of your muscle fibers, which creates a bigger metabolic boost, demanding more fat to be burned for fuel—so you can burn off the fat and KEEP it off.
There’s even more good news…
These exercises also stimulate your youth-enhancing hormones so you can slough away old, dead cells — making you look and feel years younger!
Listen: getting a lean, defined body with a rock-solid core is easy once you know HOW to trigger the right hormones in your body (and stop the production of the bad hormones that are making you fat and old).

Introducing our Exclusive Liquid Supplement, O2 Worldwide, with O2® (Stabilized Oxygen) & LTSM Minerals

In the next video, I’ll show you the specifics behind this fast and easy method. 
Soon you’ll be able to crank up your metabolism and turn on your youth-enhancing, fat-burning, and lean-muscle building hormones so you can finally shed that stubborn fat without exercising to death or starving yourself. Click here or on the image to watch the video

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Introducing our Exclusive Liquid Supplement, O2 Worldwide, with O2® (Stabilized Oxygen)

Introducing our Exclusive Liquid Supplement, O2 Worldwide, with O2® (Stabilized Oxygen) & LTSM Minerals
“Oxygen is the key to life, health and longevity. As our oxygen supply is diminished and contaminated because of pollution, our immune system is compromised, and disease organisms, which were held in “check,” become more resistant and deadly. Only oxygen can control these pathogens while providing the spark to creating the energy we need for all cellular energy.” - Stephen R. Krauss, Ph.D.

"...All chronic pain, suffering, and diseases are caused from a lack of oxygen at the cell level." - Dr. Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., The Textbook of Medical Physiology
"Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells by an anaerobic (i.e.., oxygen deficient) cell respiration". - Dr. Otto Warburg, Two-time Nobel Laureate, Winner of the Nobel Prize for Cancer Research

What Doctors have to say about O2®:
"I believe O2®, because of its inherent “energy factor” potential, may just be the “Rosetta Stone” that unblocks the pathogenetic mechanisms of disease in general, and provides the knowledge for proper disease prevention management. O2® Activated Oxygen is not simply an important nutrient supplement, but a dynamic energy molecule. O2® has an extremely high ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) of 950 mV. That means O2® possesses energy that can be transferred to the surrounding environment, potentiating the bioenergetic processes, and correcting or reversing underlying cellular dysfunctions. In other words, O2® works like a bright new cellular battery." - Menicos A. Spartalis, M.D. Vascular Surgeon
"On behalf of the World Team, I want to personally thank you for your assistance in one of the greatest sporting endeavors ever undertaken. As you probably already know, of the 15 members that participated…11 are going to Sydney! That is an incredible rate of success…you (O2®) are an important part of that successful team." - Gary Hall, Sr., M.D., U.S. Olympic Sprint Swimming Team
"In the beginning, I used O2® activated oxygen rather cautiously for cleaning the face for local uses, thus assessing the action of this product as a bactericide. Later, I started recommending it for the detoxification of the organism, thus testing its activity for neutralizing free radicals. I gave it to my patients with tired and rather lifeless skin, with black circles under the eyes, or individuals suffering from eczema and dermatitis.

The results were fantastic, and this made me bolder and able to recommend it to athletes, smokers, persons with feebleness, lack of energy, chronic bronchitis, asthma, and to people with frequent viral infections due to a weakness in their immune system, as well as to patients with bed-sores, etc.. In all these cases, the results have been excellent." - Dr. Margarita Chilindri, M.D., Pathology and Dermatology

"In short, in both measurable parameters and subjective observations, the test subjects in the group treated with the oxygen supplement (O2®) experienced the following to a greater degree than the control group:
Greater stamina and endurance, Reduced muscle fatigue, More energy, Less “out of breath”, Greater feeling of strength, Felt that the product helped them perform better." - Eldon W. Askew, Ph.D. Department Chair, School of Nutrition, University of Ut

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Detox Your Body Overnight with Homemade Foot Pads – Here’s How!

Detox Your Body Overnight with Homemade Foot Pads – Here’s How!

Foot pads are commonly worn in Japan – people stick the pads to the soles of their feet to rid their body of toxins through the night.

The next morning they wake up with dark pads full of toxins from the body. Many people believe in the health benefits of the pads after years of practising the technique every night, and because the pads are all natural there are no side effects, so there’s nothing to lose.

People wear the pads on their feet because this helps circulate blood and lymph into the torso, which can result in great things for your body. Many people have bad circulation in their ankles, lower legs and feet, this is largely due to an inactive lifestyle but can also be the result of underlying diseases and health conditions.  

By sticking the pads on the soles of your feet, you rid your body of toxins without any pain or discomfort.

Using foot pads has a great number of benefits, including feeling less tired, relieving joint pain, and reducing headaches. You can make your own pads or you can buy ready-made ones.

To make your own pads you will need the following ingredients:

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Water
  • Self-stick gauze pads
  • Socks

And here’s how to make the pads at home:

Chop the onion and garlic into thin slices and put them aside. Boil some water and add the onion and garlic to the water. Then, let the mixture boil for ten minutes.

Next, let the water mixture cool for about 20 minutes. When cool, pour the mixture onto the self-stick gauze pads, only enough to wet the pads. If you find there is too much mixture on the pads, then squeeze out the excess liquid. But when you pour the mixture and squeeze, make sure the sticky parts of the pads stay as dry as possible.

Before you go to sleep, stick the pads to the soles of your feet, particularly in the center of your feet. Then put socks on so the pads don’t fall off. When you take off the pads the next morning you will see just how many toxins have been released by the brown result on the pad. Make sure you throw away the used pad the next morning, as they cannot be reused.

Discover How to Alkalize Your Body
With All Natural Alkaline Diet & Get Your Alkaline Foods List

A simple and natural way to treat your body, try it today and let us know your results!

By Charlotte H.

Source: Life Advancer

Friday, January 1, 2016

You do not need a cure for diabetes, do it by yourself!

You do not need a cure for diabetes, do it by yourself!

Yearly diabetes destroys many lives, although this disease is incurable there are ways to control and hold it in the normal range. 

Diabetes is not just a death threat to all un-sound mind, but causes many difficulties.For a person it is important to keep blood sugar normal in order to continue to function normally after the development of this hellish disease.You do not need a cure for diabetes, do it by yourself!

This can be done with regular and healthy food, medication and traditional medicine which helps a lot and relieves unpleasant symptoms.

For this medication you will need only two ingredients.
  • 300 grams of celery root
  • 6 lemons
  1. Grate the cleaned celery root and put it in enameled pot which must not be damaged. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice in the pot also. 
  2. Close the pot and place it in another big pot with water. 
  3. Cook until the water in the lower pot starts to boil.
  4. When it boils, reduce the heat and simmer on very low temperature for 2 hours. 
  5. After coking remove the pots from the fire and don’t open them until they are completely cool, then pour the medication into a jar. 
  6. Close the jar and place it in the refrigerator.
  • Drink one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast.
  • This amount is sufficient for two months, after which many of you will normalize blood sugar.

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