Friday, January 1, 2016

Ginger – a powerful natural remedy for many problems

Ginger – a powerful natural remedy for many problems

A cup of ginger tea with ingredients

Ginger has a distinctive flavor that can not bear all, but in many cultures is known as a cure for many problems and symptoms.
Here’s where can help mighty ginger:
It strengthens memoryBenefitsofGinger
A recent study conducted in Thailand studied women aged 50 to 60 years, who regularly include ginger in their diet. After half a year, they have noticed the improvement in cognitive function and memory. Scientists concluded that ginger may be good for prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.
There is growing evidence that this root has a protective function nervous  system, so it is advisable to eat about 100 grams a day  grated fresh root ginger, added to your meals.
Natural cure against pain
A cup of ginger tea with ingredients
Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can help with pain in joints and muscles and acting as an analgesic. New studies show that it can alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, but experts say that in this case you need a larger quantity of more than 100 grams of ginger. If you feel less pain, then it will help a cup of ginger tea.
Against allergy
This root is good for combating the classic signs of allergy such as runny nose, tearing eyes and coughing. Make a drink of hot water, lemon, honey and ginger, which will calm the lining and will alleviate unwanted symptoms.akERW
The slender line
Some studies have placed ginger among foods that help to regulate the level of sugar in the blood, and thus the allies in the fight against excess weight. Also good for preventing diabetes on people who have predispositions for these diseases. In addition, powerful ginger prevents obesity in the lower back area and stomach.

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