Sunday, August 30, 2015

Your Brain on Alcohol:

How Can You Make A Hangover Go Away


Has last night’s delight turned into this morning’s demon? How can alcohol, a simple molecule composed of only a few natural elements, create the havoc of a hangover? Most important, how can you make the hangover go away. 
Alcohol’s very simplicity (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen) accounts for its unmatched affinity for the brain and its broad range of negative effects. A hangover is basically a milder version of the withdrawal symptoms suffered by alcoholics. It can persist for 24 hours or more.
You may just feel a bit irritable and overly sensitive, fatigued or muddled. Your muscles might ache or even tremor. You could have a mild or a killer headache. Your stomach could be upset or you could become nauseous. Worst case scenario: a person who passes out from nausea can die of asphyxiation.
One thing for sure, you will be dehydrated after drinking alcohol.  The cure for a hangover is plenty of water and Cerebrafil.  You may avoid a hangover altogether by consuming DHA as a pure Triglyceride prior to consuming alcohol.

Alcohol and Brain Fats 
Alcohol decreases levels of DHA in the brain, a specialized fatty acid essential to healthy brain cell membranes, which 
are rich in DHA. According to research by Dr. R.J. Pawlosky at the National Institutes of Health, alcohol not only appears to dissolve the DHA already in the brain’s membranes, it also blocks the enzyme that manufactures DHA from dietary fats. This is not good, because lower concentrations of DHA in the nervous system are associated with a loss of nervous system function. 
This same enzyme (D6D) blocked by alcohol is also responsible for manufacturing gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which in turn makes the crucial anti-inflammatory PGE1 prostaglandins. When PGE1 levels are low, the inflammatory prostaglandin PGE2 dominates — which is often the norm today and why so many people need to take over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. (D6D is also inhibited by stress, aging, trans fatty acids, viruses, and common medications.)
Water Works 
The fundamental cure for a hangover is time and rest, plus plenty of pure water. Drinking alcohol upsets the body’s fluid balance as far more water is lost than taken in. When the brain becomes dehydrated, its outer covering (dura matter) can temporarily shrink and cause the painful sensation of a headache. Alcoholics can have shrunken internal areas of the brain.
Marrku Linnoila, a researcher at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, thinks the loss of electrolytes may contribute to hangover symptoms. He suggests replacing these electrolytes with a nightcap of one of the sports drinks that contain fresh supplies of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, as well as water.
Bull’s Eye 
There are some nutritional approaches that can intervene to prevent or diminish your hangover. If traditional folk remedies and modern hangover formulas work, it’s because they support the body’s natural alcohol detoxification process.
A classic remedy for hangover called the Bull’s Eye is simply a glass of orange juice containing a raw egg. (Warning: raw eggs may contain salmonella, so use soft-boiled ones.) The juice supplies vitamin C and fructose; the egg is especially high in the sulfur-containing amino acids, cysteine and taurine.
Your liver needs cysteine to detoxify acetaldehyde, the first byproduct of its breakdown of alcohol. Acetaldehyde is approximately 30 times more toxic than alcohol. Used in the manufacture of adhesives and plastics, it is a close chemical cousin of formaldehyde. (Did somebody say embalming fluid?)
A powerful free radical generator, acetaldehyde is a potent neurotoxin that crosses your blood-brain barrier and is the primary culprit in a hangover. Acetaldehyde causes inflammation and depression, and interferes with energy production in the brain. It disrupts cellular function through its reactive tendency to cross-link molecules. (A good example of cross-linked tissue is the leathery skin of elderly alcoholics who spend a lot of time outdoors).
While the liver quickly converts the ethyl alcohol you drink into acetaldehyde, it is much slower at converting the acetaldehyde into acetic acid (which eventually is broken down into carbon dioxide and water). One of the biggest factors in a person’s susceptibility to alcohol damage is their enzymatic ability to detoxify acetaldehyde. The longer acetaldehyde remains in the body, the worse the hangover. Furthermore, enzyme activity and liver function tend to diminish with age, disease, poor nutrition, and alcoholism.

Nutrients that Counteract Acetaldehyde 
Important research on acetaldehyde was done in the 1970s at the National Cancer Institute by Herbert Sprince, M.D. When he pretreated rats with large doses of vitamin B1, vitamin C, and cysteine, they were able to survive a normally lethal dose of acetaldehyde.
Cysteine is available in supplement form, but to be effective it needs plenty of vitamin C. Steven Wm. Fowkes, editor of Smart Drug News, has found a combination that he says works remarkably well. “I use capsules (because they dissolve fast) containing 200 mg cysteine plus 600 mg of vitamin C (with or without extra B-1). I take one before I start drinking, one with each additional drink and one when IЖm finished.” (Vitamin E and selenium also support cysteine’s action.)
Your liver also needs cysteine (plus glutamic acid and glycine) to make glutathione, a crucial protective compound whose deficiency first affects the nervous system, causing hangover-like symptoms.
Taurine is another important amino acid that may help hangovers. Your liver makes taurine from cysteine, but because the cysteine is busy detoxing acetaldehyde, taurine may be in short supply. Taurine is an antioxidant and has a protective effect on the brain, particularly when the brain is dehydrated.
Taurine is used to counteract anxiety, hyperactivity, and even to treat seizures. It helps calm overexcited brain cells that are withdrawing from the effects of excess alcohol. Studies show that taurine levels naturally increase in the brain in response to both acute and chronic exposure to ethanol.

Do B Do B Do 
Acetaldehyde rapidly destroys vitamin B1, thiamine. Originally known as the nerve vitamin, thiamine is crucial to brain function. Poor nutrition combined with a chronic B1 deficiency induced by excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to a condition known as Korsakoff’s psychosis, which involves memory loss similar to Alzheimer’s disease.
Durk Pearson at Life Enhancement tells how, when vitamin B1 became available in an injectable form earlier this century, interns discovered they could treat a hangover by injecting large doses of it.
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) aids the body in alcohol detoxification. Known as the anti-stress vitamin, B5 can become depleted in the detoxification of acetaldehyde. A deficiency of pantothenic acid may contribute to the hangover symptoms of headache, nausea, and fatigue.
All the B vitamins need regular replenishing — more so after drinking alcohol. Try taking a B-complex before, during, and as soon after a drinking session as possible. The same goes with vitamin C, which is perhaps why tomatoes are a common ingredient in many hangover remedies. Tomatoes are high in B vitamins and in vitamin C, the body’s primary antioxidant nutrient.

An Oxidant Waiting to Happen 
After alcohol turns to acetaldehyde, the production of free radicals increases. These highly reactive forms of oxygen damage the structural fats that give your brain cell membranes their strength and fluidity. Brain function is compromised depending on how much alcohol is consumed as well as for how long one has been a drinker.
To combat the destructive action of free radical oxidants, your brain must have an ample supply of antioxidants. Basically, antioxidants are chemicals that oxygen finds more attractive than the structural components of your cells. Antioxidants sacrifice themselves to preserve your body parts.
In addition to their vitamin C content, orange juice and tomato juice also contain a good dose of potassium, a mineral that is lost during urination when drinking. Low levels of potassium can contribute to feelings of weakness and shakiness. This may be the basis of a Chinese folk remedy for hangovers that says to boil a couple of banana peels in water and drink the liquid.

Folk Remedies Fight Free Radicals 
Perhaps vitamin C has something to do with the Ayurvedic remedy of drinking fresh orange with a teaspoon of lime juice and a pinch of cumin stirred in . . . or the Puerto Rican folk remedy for hangovers that recommends rubbing a quarter lemon into each armpit. Chinese remedies include drinking fresh mandarin orange or tangerine juice.
Another Chinese folk cure is to eat 8 to 10 fresh strawberries, all at once. In addition to vitamin C and minerals, strawberries contain significant amounts of another antioxidant, lycopene.
Tomatoes are also very high in lycopene, the protective plant compound that gives them their distinctive red color. A French study found that alcoholic men had significantly lower concentrations of lycopene and other carotenoids in their blood than men who consumed low or moderate amounts of alcohol.

Prostaglandin Pressures and Pleasures 
Supplements of preformed GLA may help increase levels of PGE1, which can alleviate hangover symptoms associated with inflammation and swelling, such as headache and aching muscles — even depression. In a Scottish study, GLA supplements dramatically reversed depression in certain alcoholics (Celtic, Scandinavian, Scottish, Welsh, American Indian). Again, it’s genetic racial factors that affect enzyme activity and account for the inability of some people to withstand alcohol while others seem impervious to it.
It’s interesting to note that the reason why a first drink may feel good is because alcohol has the ability to briefly activate the tiny levels of PGE1 that exist within the brain. This provides a welcome temporary relief from depression, but soon leads to a crash when the PGE1 reserve is depleted.
GLA is available in capsules of evening primrose oil. DHA is available in capsules of oil derived from fish or microalgae.

Honey, Please Pass the Blood Sugar 
In an informative 1998 report, Jim Roberts describes an 18th century hangover recipe which instructs “the afflicted to suck on a sugar cube containing drops of clove oil, then chew on a sprig of parsley, followed by a cup of chamomile tea (sweetened with honey), followed by teaspoons of honey every half-hour for two to three hours. Clove was considered a painkiller back then, and parsley and chamomile were thought to soothe the stomach muscles.” Parsley is also a good source of vitamin C.
Honey and fruit juices are common ingredients in hangover remedies, probably because they raise low blood sugar (glucose) levels and relieve hypoglycemia. Alcohol depletes the glucose reserves in the liver (stored as glycogen), so the brain is deprived of glucose and hence the energy it needs for normal functioning.
Low blood sugar may account for hangover symptoms of lethargy. Also when alcohol breaks down, acidic byproducts can build up in the blood and cause muscular weakness. Ian Calder, an anaesthetist at London’s National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, says that both problems can be remedied by consuming extra sugar.

Magnesium Calms the Jitters 
Acetaldehyde causes magnesium to be flushed out through the kidneys. Low levels of magnesium can cause nerves to fire too easily — even from minor stimuli. This can result in jangled nerves and a hypersensitive brain where even mild noises sound excessively loud, lights seem too bright, and emotional reactions are exaggerated.
An extreme case of alcohol-induced magnesium deficiency is delirium tremens, a life-threatening effect of withdrawal that is a medical emergency. It is characterized by sweating, shaking, confusion, hallucinations, seizures, agitation, and disturbances of memory. Emergency room treatment for the d.t.’s includes injections of magnesium sulfate.

Fifty Ways to Love Your Liver 
Because your liver is the organ responsible for detoxifying alcohol, its health is paramount. Basically, it needs all known vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, including special nutrients such as lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC).
In addition, certain phytonutrients found in plants seem to promote or even repair liver function. These include milk thistle (silymarin), dandelion root, and turmeric (curcumin). Siberian ginseng supports the liver and is associated with people remaining alcohol-free after going through rehabilitation. For next day hangover relief, some swear by a shot of liquid ginseng chased by a tumbler of water.

Other Hangover Remedies
Some people use aromatherapy to clear their head or inhale apple-scented oxygen at one of the new “oxygen bars” that are cropping up in major cities. Others consume a few charcoal tablets as a remedy for hangovers, which is similar to a 19th century practice by chimney sweeps who drank warm milk with a teaspoon of soot. Nux vomica is the classic homeopathic remedy for people who feel woozy or nauseous after drinking too much alcohol.

A Promising Plant is Knocking at Our Door
Kudzu is a plant that’s best known in the United States because it has been spreading unchecked throughout the South. But in China, an extract from this edible vine has long been used to treat headaches and hangovers. The Japanese make a hangover remedy tea with equal parts of kudzu root, umeboshi plum, and fresh ginger root.
A 1993 Harvard study found that alcohol-craving hamsters treated with kudzu extracts rapidly lost their appetite for alcohol and voluntarily cut their consumption by 50%. Animal studies done in 1996 at the Indiana University School of Medicine showed that daidzin, an isoflavonoid extracted from kudzu (Pueraria lobata), lowering blood alcohol levels. Daidzin and two other compounds from the plant also were effective in suppressing voluntary alcohol consumption by the rats.

Modern Formulations Put It All Together
A well-nutrified body is a good start, but taking extra nutrients before, during, and after a drinking session is usually necessary if you want to prevent or minimize a hangover. To sum it up, some key nutrients include: vitamin C, B-complex (with extra B1 and B5), magnesium, cysteine, taurine, lycopene, GLA, DHA, and kudzu.
Other nutrients include Siberian ginseng, MSM (a good source of bioavailable sulfur), and NAC (a stable form of cysteine and precursor to glutathione). GABA is an amino acid that acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter and keeps nerve cells from over firing. It may also be of value to help calm the hypersensitivity associated with a hangover.
Perhaps the two most comprehensive anti-hangover formulas available today are Source Naturals Hangover Formula™ and Life Enhancement’s Party Pill II™. They combine many of the above nutrients plus a broad range of supporting ones.

Some Basic Preventative Measures 
If you take some preventive measures before and during your drinking episodes, you have the best chance of minimizing the symptoms of a hangover.
  • Don’t drink on an empty stomach. Fatty protein foods such as cheese or cold cuts absorb alcohol the best and will slow down the rate at which it enters your bloodstream.
  • Drink slowly. At best, your liver can only break down about one ounce of alcohol per hour.
  • Be aware that champagne and carbonated mixed drinks will accelerate the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream.
  • Know your limit and the effects of different kinds of alcohol. Darker drinks such as red wine, brandy, and port are higher in “congeners,” ingredients that tend to worsen hangovers.
  • To ward off dehydration, drink plenty of pure water during and after alcohol use, including during the night when you wake. (Coffee is not advised because it contributes to dehydration.)
  • Don’t try to cure your hangover with more alcohol (“hair of the dog”).

WARNING — Before and While You Drink:
Never take Tylenol (acetaminophen). Combined with alcohol, it can cause severe liver damage. Also, don’t take aspirin, because it will make you drunker.
Regarding the use of over-the-counter pain medication, the Mayo Clinic advised in their Dec. 1997 Health Letter: “Acetaminophen [Tylenol] or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as aspirin and ibuprofen, may help relieve your headache. However, they’re not risk-free. NSAIDS, when combined with alcohol, may irritate your stomach. And excessive doses of acetaminophen can be toxic to your liver, particularly when combined with alcohol.”
Final Notes 
Alcohol temporarily deactivates the protective capabilities of your blood-brain barrier, making your brain more vulnerable to toxic substances, most of which cause free radical damage which can kill brain cells. What’s more, several studies conducted since the 1980s suggest that ethanol accentuates the damage caused by lead and aluminum in the brain.
Alcohol triggers the release of stress hormones from the adrenal glands. Current research is shedding light on the real dangers these hormones do to memory and longevity. Click here for more information about the effects of stress on brain health and fitness. (And, click here to learn about ways to activate your relaxation response.)

Sprince, H., et al., “Protectants against acetaldehyde toxicity: Sulfhydryl compounds and ascorbic acid.” Fed Proc 33(3) (Part 1): March 1974. Sprince, H., et al., Agents and Actions 5(2): 164-73, 1975. Sprince, H., et al., Intl J Vit Nutr Res 47 (Supplement 1G): 185-212, 1977.
De Witte, P., et al., “Acute and chronic alcohol injections increase taurine in the nucleus accumbens.” Alcohol Alcohol Suppl 1994;2:229-33.
Dahchour, A., et al., “Taurine increases in the nucleus accumbens microdialysate after acute ethanol administration to naive and chronically alcoholised rats.” Brain Res 1996 Sep 30;735(1):9-19
Montoliu, C., et al, “Ethanol-induced oxygen radical formation and lipid peroxidation in rat brain: effect of chronic alcohol consumption.” J Neurochem, 63(5):1855-62 1994 Nov
Lecomte, E,. et al., “The relation of alcohol consumption to serum carotenoid and retinol levels. Effects of withdrawal.” Int J Vitam Nutr Res 1994;64(3):170-5
Pawlosky, R.J., et al., “Ethanol exposure causes a decrease in docosahexaenoic acid and an increase in docosapentaenoic acid in feline brains and retinas.” Am J Clin Nutr 1995;61:1284-89
Lin, R.C., et al., “Isoflavonoid compounds extracted from Pueraria lobata suppress alcohol preference in a pharmacogenetic rat model of alcoholism.” Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 20(4):659-63 1996 Jun
Mathews-Larson, Joan, “An End to the Revolving Door.” Addiction & Recovery, June 1990
“Drunk as a Skunk,” New Scientist, Dec. 20, 1997
Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw, “Why Not Party-Proof Yourself This Summer?” Life Enhancement, June 1998
Fowkes, S.W., “Living with Alcohol,” Smart Drug News, Dec. 13, 1996

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Marijuana & Alcohol: 8 facts can proved Which Is most desirable for our Health?

Marijuana & Alcohol: 8 facts can proved Which Is most desirable for our Health?


Marijuana & Alcohol – The National Institute of Drug Abuse released a statement denying that pot is less toxic than alcohol, which resulted in cries of dismay from those at the HT offices and pot smokers nationwide.there are We decided to come up with a list of just some of the reasons can proved Which Is most desirable for our Health.

1. More aggressive and in turn violent behaviors

Marijuana.alocohol.Quantalog (3)
Alcohol more than any other substance promotes violent behavior. In case you’re unaware, marijuana tends to chill people out.

2. Marijuana has medicinal benefits

There is a long list of ailments marijuana is said to treat, from chronic pain to inflammation.Marijuana has a long, long list of physician-approved medical uses and the list is growing. Other than red wine’s ability to lower blood pressure, alcohol does just about nothing positive for a person’s health.

3. High sex is way better than drunk sex

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That can be a good thing when you’ve just faceplanted at a party and want to play it off like nothing. Losing feeling when you’re getting intimate, however, is pretty lame. Enter marijuana, which, as our very own Hypatia Lee can attest increases sensitivity and can improve sex.

4. Alcohol consumption often results in bad decisions

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Alcohol leads to risky decision-making, period. That can be fun sometimes but dangerous at others. Scientist’s have yet to fully grasp marijuana’s effects on decision making, but this study shows that smokers more or less come to the same conclusions as sober peeps. They just take a little bit longer to arrive at those conclusions.

5. Marijuana can curb brain damage, especially damage inflicted by drinking

Marijuana.alocohol.Quantalog (4)
you’re probably aware that alcohol is less than good for your brain. Marijuana, however, may actually help prevent alcohol-associated brain damage and treat depression.Marijuana actually contains properties that can help with preventing brain damage brought on by drinking alcohol. It can also help treat depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and other brain-related diseases.

6. Marijuana can help treat cancers caused by drinking

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Alcohol consumption is carcinogenic, and contributes to head and neck, breast, liver, esophageal and colorectal cancers. In fact, more than 19,500 cancer deaths in 2009 were deemed alcohol-related. Cannabis has been proven to help treat cancer and its symptoms.

7. Alcohol can prevent muscle growth

Marijuana.alocohol.Quantalog (7)
Alcohol is known to decrease testosterone and interrupt sleep patterns which can affect muscle growth.Alcohol can prevent muscle growth in a variety of ways, from decreasing testosterone levels to interrupting sleep. Weed doesn’t directly affect muscle growth at all.

8. Alcohol abuse can lead to liver failure or other life-threatening conditions

Marijuana.alocohol.Quantalog (6)
Alcoholism exists virtually everywhere in the world and withdrawals from it can result in death or irreversible brain damage. While marijuana addiction does exist, it is far less severe than alcohol addiction. Marijuana’s effects over a lifetime are still not entirely understood, but they do not include any of the potentially lethal ailments caused by alcohol.

The Great Fallacy of Fluoride

The Great Fallacy of Fluoride

Problem solving – reasoning – memory – conception – imagination…

Our minds serve such a vast array of significant purposes in our lives, we cannot even begin to understand the raw and unhinged potential that sits between our ears.
Many of the functions we depend on our brain to fulfill are even beyond our own physical control, such as:
- breathing
– heartbeat
– digestion
– healing
…just about EVERY life sustaining function our bodies can’t survive without.
But, what IS within our control is how we “fuel the fire”.
The “ingredients” or “tools” that we provide our brains to work with and carry out its critical daily functions.
I’m talking about the foods we eat, the drinks we drink, and all the other substances we, in one way or another, introduce to our bodies.
We expose our bodies -and therefore our minds- to an unimaginable amount of toxins and poisons EVERY SINGLE DAY…whether it be the the shampoo that washes our hair, the lotion that moisturizes our skin, or even the toothpaste that polishes our teeth.
That’s right.
Something as simple as the fluoride in that minty tube of pearly-white magic is all it takes to hamper your brain’s ability to function the way it was designed (…and there’s even proof that may even be by design —but, more on that later).
And let’s not forget that brushing your teeth isn’t the only way by which your body has a face to face with fluoride.
For decades, American municipal water systems have added fluoride to our drinking water under the expectation that the mineral would reduce tooth decay and cavities.
During that time, we’ve been taken on a ride of misleading ad campaigns and convoluted studies that would have us believe fluoridation of our water is a safe.
What the public health authorities forget to mention is that fluoride is a known toxin, usually sourced for use from the byproducts of fertilizer factories, and that the difference between a non-toxic and toxic dose is almost not even measurable.

The Most Current Fluoride Research

The evidence continues to grow regarding the effects of fluoride on our bodies and cognitive functioning.02_nutraCellSlider
In the summer of 2012, Harvard University published a report of a review and analysis of current research on fluoride.
The publication targeted links between fluoride exposure and cognitive and neurological functioning in children.
The review analyzed data from at least 27 studies conducted over 22 years, and the result showed a strong connection between fluoride exposure from drinking water and lower IQ scores in children.
The study states:
“The results suggest that fluoride may be a developmental neurotoxicant that affects brain development at exposures much below those that can cause toxicity in adults.”
As a matter of fact, in addition to raising questions about fluoride’s effect on our cognitive abilities, the latest scientific data suggest that the chemical may also have a harmful effect on our reproductive systems as well —YIKES!
…but, that’s gonna have to be a discussion for another day. We’ve still just scratched the surface on what ill effects fluoride has on our brains.
By far the most concerning factor, for me, surrounding the great fluoride debate, is the fact that the margin that divides a supposed “safe” level of fluoride from toxic levels is minute…almost not even measurable in some cases.
Generally, a level of approximately 1 parts-per-million (PPM) is considered safe; however, cases of severe fluorosis have been found in water containing only 2 to 3 PPM.
Some studies from Canada have indicated that NO safe level of fluoride in water exists for children under the age of three.
Even The Journal of the Canadian Dental Association states, “Fluoride supplements should not be recommended for children less than 3 years old.”
But have you ever seen or heard ANY information encouraging parents not to let their children drink tap water?

Is There ANY Benefit from Fluoride?

Lastly, and I think most ironically, is the scientific evidence that proves the primary action of fluoride on the enamel of your tooth happens on the surface –NOT from ingesting the substance.

…and even then, increasing evidence suggests that oral hygiene and strong teeth come from a healthy diet, NOT from fluoridated water and toothpaste.
The most famous research on the topic dates back to the early 1900 from Dr. Weston A. Price.
Dr. Price studied native tribes who ate their ancestral diets and had no tooth decay or cavities.
However, when white flour and sugar were added to the diets of these tribes…
Their oral health plummeted. Soon after, they developed cavities and tooth decay.
In other words, simply eliminating the excess sugars and processed foods may have a greater impact on limited tooth decay than fluoride.
Next time you hear from me, we’ll have a more detailed look into the foods that not only out performed fluoride in preventing tooth-decay but also significantly and actively support healthy brain function.

Until then…

Here is a bonus for you:

Discover How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally..

Discover How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally...
WITHOUT Harmful Drugs... Once And For All!


Dr. MarleneHi there! I'm Dr. Marlene, and together with Primal Health we have helped over 137,000 people just like YOU achieve optimal health. In the video above, I'll show you how you can lower your blood pressure naturally and safely, without medication, once and for all.

Inside My Free Video You'll Learn:

Blood Pressure Marker 1How to STOP your high blood pressure in its tracks, and reverse the damage it’s wreaking on your body for good without a single drug. Just by visiting your neighborhood grocery store.

Blood Pressure Marker 1The #1 food you MUST avoid if you want to lower your blood pressure safely and naturally (HINT: It's NOT salt, as you've probably been lead to believe!)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cancer cells programmed back to normal by US scientists

Cancer cells programmed back to normal by US scientists

Scientists have turned cancerous cells back to normal by switching back on the process which stops normal cells from replicating too quickly 

 Cancer cells


Cancer cells could be stopped from replicating after scientists found how to switch on the brakes Photo: Wellcome Collection
Cancer cells have been programmed back to normal by scientists in a breakthrough which could lead to new treatments and even reverse tumour growth.
For the first time aggressive breast, lung and bladder cancer cells have been turned back into harmless benign cells by restoring the function which prevents them from multiplying excessively and forming dangerous growths.
Scientists at the Mayo Clinic in Florida, US, said it was like applying the brakes to a speeding car.
So far it has only been tested on human cells in the lab, but the researchers are hopeful that the technique could one day be used to target tumours so that cancer could be ‘switched off’ without the need for harsh chemotherapy or surgery.
"We should be able to re-establish the brakes and restore normal cell function,” said Profesor Panos Anastasiadis, of the Department for Cancer Biology.
“Initial experiments in some aggressive types of cancer are indeed very promising.
“It represents an unexpected new biology that provides the code, the software for turning off cancer."
Cells need to divide constantly to replace themselves. But in cancer the cells do not stop dividing leading to huge cell reproduction and tumour growth.

The scientists discovered that the glue which holds cells together is regulated by biological microprocessors called microRNAs. When everything is working normally the microRNAs instruct the cells to stop dividing when they have replicated sufficiently. They do this by triggering production of a protein called PLEKHA7 which breaks the cell bonds. But in cancer that process does not work.
Scientists discovered they could switch on cancer in cells by removing the microRNAs from cells and preventing them from producing the protein.

And, crucially they found that they could reverse the process switching the brakes back on and stopping cancer. MicroRNAs are small molecules which can be delivered directly to cells or tumours so an injection to increase levels could switch off disease.
Instant breast cancer test will spare thousands an anxious waitReprogramming cells could stop cancer cells replicating  Photo: PA

“We have now done this in very aggressive human cell lines from breast and bladder cancer,” added Dr Anastasiadis.

“These cells are already missing PLEKHA7. Restoring either PLEKHA7 levels, or the levels of microRNAs in these cells turns them back to a benign state. We are now working on better delivery options.”

The 8th Element: Nature's Universal Cancer Killer

Cancer experts in Britain said the research solved a riddle that biologists had puzzled over for decades, why cells did not naturally prevent the proliferation of cancer.

“This is an unexpected finding,” said Dr Chris Bakal, a specialist in how cells change shape to become cancerous, at the Institute for Cancer Research in London.

“We have been trying to work out how normal cells might be suppressing cancer, and stopping dividing when they form contacts with each other, which has been a big mystery.

“Normal cells touch each other and form junctions then they shut down proliferation. If there is a way to turn that back on then that would be a way to stop tumours from growing.

“I think in reality it is unlikely that you could reverse tumours by reversing just one mechanism, but it’s a very interesting finding.”

Henry Scowcroft, Cancer Research UK’s senior science information manager, said: “This important study solves a long-standing biological mystery, but we mustn’t get ahead of ourselves.

“There’s a long way to go before we know whether these findings, in cells grown in a laboratory, will help treat people with cancer. But it’s a significant step forward in understanding how certain cells in our body know when to grow, and when to stop. Understanding these key concepts is crucial to help continue the encouraging progress against cancer we’ve seen in recent years.”

Saturday, August 15, 2015





 1. Mullein

This is one of the best herbs for clearing your lungs. Both it’s flower and leaves can be used to soothe the nasal passages. Known as Verbascum sinuatum, it’s one in about 360 species of the figwort plant family. This herbal remedy has been used yellow-mullein-flowerthroughout time for things like respiratory problems including asthma, pneumonia, and tuberculosis.
Traditionally it is taken as a tea, added to oils and ointments or simply smoked. It is good for clearing the lungs even when smoked, but only in small doses.  Mullein is a natural expectorant, containing a compound known as saponins which help break down the mucus in the lungs. It’s soothing to the body although can be a bit harsh when smoked so tea is best if your throat is sensitive. 
Prepare some mullein tea by adding 1 – 4 tea spoons depending on the amount of water. Steep the leaves for up to 10 minutes before drinking. Breath in the steam for awhile too, it’s amazingly helpful as well. You can add coltsfoot to the mix as well for more helpful herb-age.

2. Lungwort

Of course this would be good for your lungs – it has it in the name! Also known as pulmonaria, this herb has been used as alungwort-flowermedicine since the 1600s – and for good reason too! It works by creating more production of serous mucus in our body. This liquid exists in the body to help with digestion and respiration.
It thins out the phlegm, thus creating an ease to breathing more clear. If you have accumulated a lot of tar in your lungs from smoking – this is the herb for you.
Typically people with serious health problems use this. It helps with bronchitis, asthma, and other major respiratory diseases that create a restriction to breathing. It’s also known to help fight bacteria existing in the body and increase the function of the immune system in doing so.
Take it as a tea. Do one to two teaspoons to one cup of water. Add more if desired. Steep for a few minutes or until it’s strong enough and drink it multiple times a day if you’re really trying to clear your lungs.

3. Licorice Root

LicoriceMmm, who doesn’t love licorice? As a tea – it’s incredible. The first sip of the tea doesn’t taste like much, but wait half a second and your mouth becomes overwhelmed with a delicious sweetness. That natural sweetener is perfect for soothing the throat.
It’s great for lung detoxification as it relives irritation.  It helps loosen the phlegm in our throat to make it easier to then expel. It’s antibiotic properties kill bacteria and viruses living in our system.
Drink it in a delicious tea! No sweetener needed – it’s already amazingly sweet. Add any desired amount to boiling water – taste for it’s intensity. Ginger, lavender and licorice go perfect together, and it’s a completely healthy drink too! Drink it all the time, even when you’re not experiencing lung trouble – drink it because it’s delicious!

4. Coltsfoot

Coltsfoot, also known as Tussilago farfara is a plant part of the sunflower family. It looks like little dandelion’s but be careful – when not taken properly it can be toxic. The leaves of this plant have been used since ancient times to treat colds, coughs and other similar sicknesses.
It had been used as a general medicine before specifically helping for the lungs. It’s effective for smokers when trying to quit. It helps the recovery of tar covered lungs from years of smoking.
It loosens the mucus as it acts as a great expectorant. If you have a sore throat or dry cough it creates good relief for that kind of irritation. It can also assist in the soothing of bronchitis, colds, and even pneumonia.
The flowers are stronger when cleaning the lungs although the leaves are typically used. Make a tea out of this plant! You can mix it with mullein with 1 parts coltsfoot and 2 parts mullein. Add this mix to boiling water and steep for up to 10 minutes. Drink it daily while detoxing.

5. Indian Tobacco

indian-tobacco-lobelia-inflata_2Lobelia Inflata, ironically called a tobacco is a herb is great for reversing the effects of tobacco on the lungs. This amazing herb grows only a few times a year in North America!
It has been used by Natives throughout time as they understood the healing properties of this plant. It has been used to treat an array of respiratory diseases long before it was used to detoxify lungs.
Lobeline is an alkaloid that is the main source of relief in this plant. It loosens the phlegm and thins the mucus in the air passages. It’s especially helpful for more serious respiratory issues like asthma and bronchitis.
It can be used to transition out of tobacco withdrawals in people who are smokers trying to quit. Cleanse your lungs with it by adding a small handful of leaves to a pot of boiling water. Inhale the steam coming from the water for at least 10 minutes. Repeat this twice a day when detoxing your lungs.

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