Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Secret to New Bioenergy Found in Deep Space

Secret to New Bioenergy
Found in Deep Space
NASA Identifies Primordial Life-Giving Force 

Dear Nyron,
NASA's robotic Stardust space probe made an astonishing breakthrough...
It managed to capture interstellar dust and return it to Earth for the very first time.
And what scientists found was shocking.
Those microscopic grains of rock from deep space contained a "super coenzyme" that many believe to be part of the cosmic dust that spawned life on our planet billions of years ago.
And now, recent studies show that this precursor to life on Earth has an almost "super natural" ability to breathe new life into your body. 
In fact, it's the first nutrient ever identified that can actually INCREASE the number of power generators, or mitochondria, in your cells.
No one ever imagined it was possible to influence the number of these power generators before.
And that's why this breakthrough is so exciting.
You now have the ability to recapture the same kind of vitality and youthful energy that makes children so tireless and enthusiastic.
Let me show you how this works.

The Secret to Inexhaustible Energy?
When you're a kid, you have the greatest number of mitochondria in your cells. These mitochondria give your cells the energy they need to do their jobs, similar to the type of energy tools get from a battery.
At that young age, none of these mitochondria are damaged. They're all running at full capacity. That's why kids have non-stop energy. Their cells generate new energy around the clock.
But as you age, these mitochondria start to disappear. And the ones that do survive become damaged.
Turns out that this "super coenzyme," called pyrroloquinoline quinone, or PQQ, can actually fuel your mitochondria, allowing them to divide and reproduce.
When NASA identified this coenzyme in the stardust it recovered from its probe, researchers realized this nutrient has been here on Earth going back billions of years, and may have played a key role in the development of life on our planet.
This ancient, primordial nutrient supports and nourishes every cell in your body... and can help keep you energetic, and full of youthful energy for decades longer than anyone imagined.
When you take PQQ as a supplement, you can start to MULTIPLY and INCREASE the number of power generators in your cells, and restore all that lost energy.
By amping up your cellular energy, you get a continuous, all-day boost that makes every tissue, organ and system in your body run on super-charged, youthful energy.
Just like kids have.
But unlike the all-too-common scenario when children grow into tired, sickly adults, this breakthrough lets you sustain some of that unbridled energy and power you had as a child.
STUDY CONFIRMS: Mitochondria
Hold the Secret to Youthful Energy
A revealing study found that muscle tissue from a 90-year-old man contained mitochondria that were 95% damaged... while the mitochondria of a 5-year-old showed almost no damage.
This "energy secret" we learned from the 5-year-old boy is your ticket to restoring energy levels you thought were gone for good.
Have a look at this 90-year-old man below.
damaged mitochondria
Now look at this 5-year-old boy...
healthy mitochondria
The study of the 90-year-old man with damaged mitochondria is a great example of what I've known for decades... when the power generators in your cells break down, you become old and weak and frail.
That's why old men shuffle when they walk... it's why they need to take afternoon naps... and it's why they wind up sick and tired.
When you lose your power generators, you become weak and helpless.
Loss and damage to your mitochondria accelerates aging. And it's directly linked to all the horrifying problems that sneak up on you as you get older.
But mitochondria have their own supply of DNA. That means they can REPLICATE and, therefore, INCREASE their number, within a cell... if they have the right "spark."
PQQ is that spark. It makes new, healthy mitochondria by activating the genes that give birth to new power generators in your cells.

Researchers Prove PQQ Makes MORE Mitochondria
Researchers at the University of California, Davis, are pioneers in the study of PQQ. Their work shows a clear connection between PQQ and the growth of new mitochondria.
In one study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers fed mice a diet supplemented with PQQ, and grew a staggering number of new mitochondria in just eight weeks.
Have a look at this graph...
PQQ increases power

SOURCE: Stites T, et al. J. Nutr. 2006;136:390-396
On the left, you can see the number of mitochondria BEFORE the mice were fed PQQ.
And on the right, you can see what happened AFTER the mice started taking PQQ.
Lots more mitochondria!
In just eight weeks, PQQ dramatically boosted the number of mitochondria in the cells of the mice.
This is great news for your entire body... but especially for your brain.
PQQ stimulates the natural production of nerve growth factor, which triggers the growth of new brain cells.
PQQ also relieves the stress on your brain cells called excitotoxicity.
This is the over-stimulation of brain cells that causes senility and loss of memory as you get older.
So, not only does PQQ create new power generators, it helps restore younger, faster brain power.
All that new energy keeps your heart young, too. PQQ is a remarkably strong antioxidant that shields the mitochondria in your heart from the stress of making all that energy.
And that's a good thing, because mitochondria are fragile. They don't have the same kind of protection other parts of the cell enjoy. So, PQQ's role as "protector" of mitochondria is just as important as its ability to make new ones.
But it gets even better...
When you combine PQQ with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), something really amazing happens...
The Original Dynamic Duo
CoQ10 is one of the most popular supplements in the world... and for good reason. It works wonders at optimizing mitochondrial function and protects them from free radical damage.
Here are just some of the ways CoQ10 can help you live longer and feel better:
  • Heart health: According to the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, a number of clinical studies have found it promotes cardiovascular health.
  • Blood sugar: An Australian study showed that patients who took CoQ10 were able to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
  • Vision: In a recent clinical trial, taking CoQ10 for a year helped them see more clearly.
  • Cognition: An animal study performed at Johns Hopkins University found that CoQ10 supplementation improves learning and memory.
  • Bronchial health: Researchers in Texas found CoQ10 promotes bronchial health.
  • Gum health: CoQ10 can improve gum and oral health.
  • Clear-headed comfort: In one study, more than six out of 10 patients treated with CoQ10 daily reported feeling more clear-headed comfort.
  • Oxidative stress: CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, eliminating the free radicals that can cause damage to cell membranes and mitochondria.
  • Skin care: A German study showed that CoQ10 can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and help protect skin from the damaging effects of too much exposure to sunlight.
But there's a limitation with CoQ10. While it's one of the best-known ways of keeping your mitochondria alive and kicking, it has no way of multiplying your power generators on its own.
You see, it's not good enough to simply support your mitochondria. And that's a discovery we made only recently.
Today, we know it's just as important to help your cells grow NEW mitochondria. 
When you combine CoQ10 with PQQ, you're not simply protecting your mitochondria and ensuring your cells have enough fuel to make energy... you're MULTIPLYING the number of power generators in each of your cells.
That means you're taking a giant leap toward youthful energy and "eternal youth."
When you combine PQQ with CoQ10, the power-producing effects are better than anything I've seen. That's why I'm calling this the most critical breakthrough since the discovery of CoQ10 over 50 years ago.
This super-combo powers up your heart, boosts your brain power and slows down your aging in a way that's light years ahead of simply taking CoQ10 by itself. There's nothing else like it – anywhere!
I'm one of the first MDs in the country to combine these two miraculous nutrients into one formula for you – it's called Ultra Accel – and this is something you need to know about it.
I believe in it this much because I've seen it work right here in my clinic. Hundreds of times, in fact.
Here are just a few of the emails I've received from readers taking Ultra Accel:
"I Have So Much More Energy..."
"I am pleased with Ultra Accel. I am much more active than I was before Ultra Accel and have so much more energy. Thank you so much for your kindness it is very much appreciated!"  — Lynne T.
"I Get Unbelievable Energy from Ultra Accel..."
"I get unbelievable energy from Ultra Accel. I'm 60 years old and work physically every day. And basically I never get tired. Sometimes while I'm working I even feel compelled to run from one place to another, even if I'm carrying a ladder or something! I have 3 granddaughters that live with me. They are 2, 4 and 7 years old. They run around like crazy all day long and I feel like I'm one of them in the energy category. It's uncanny really." — Mark H.
"I Noticed More Energy and Stamina..."
"I have been taking this product for at least 1 month now and right away I noticed that I had more energy each day and also more stamina. At 84, both features are very welcome in my life. I will continue to take Ultra Accel." — Mary B.
"I'm Telling Everyone I Know..."
"I'm telling everyone I know how well I feel. Energy, skin, and sleep, and at 73 they tell me I don't look or act my age. I've had 10 surgeries and still recovering from a torn Achilles tendon. I'm in the process of re-opening my environmental business, going back to work. Thank You for Ultra Accel." — Michael B.
"I Feel Like I'm on Earth Again..."
"I use this product because I had a heart transplant and a stroke. With all the other meds I have to take, my energy level is almost next to nothing. Now taking Ultra Accel has helped with my energy level and I feel like I am on earth again." — Nick H.
"Ultra Accel is a Large Factor..."
"I am 67 years old and retired. Ultra Accel is a large factor in my being able to spend three days, sometimes four, engaged in voluntary activities outdoors, helping to manage the countryside here in the U.K."— Fiona K.
"I Really Found the Energy I was Looking For..."
"I really found the energy I was looking for with Ultra Accel. I am 53 years old but I work tireless. I will recommend to anybody. The most important thing I want everyone to know is that Ultra Accel does work. It gives you energy in the bedroom and at work, so guys get on it and do not wait any longer. And I look young as well and strong." — Daniel A.
I Take Ultra Accel Every Day
CoQ10 and PQQ are two nutrients I plan to take every day for as long as I live.
You should, too.
And you can do it risk-free.
When your shipment of Ultra Accel arrives, open a bottle and take at least one softgel. Do that every single day. Then, in a week, look in a mirror and take a quick self-assessment.
I bet you'll notice some subtle – and maybe not so subtle – changes. Most obviously, you'll have more energy. You may feel better. When you step on the scale, you might see that you've lost a pound or two.
But whatever the results, you are the final judge.
If for any reason... or for no reason at all... you do not want to continue taking Ultra Accel, just return the unused portion – or even the empty bottles – to me ANY TIME.
I'll cheerfully give you a full and prompt refund of every penny paid, without question or quibble. That way, you risk nothing.
But if you're like my other patients and readers, you'll notice and appreciate the lift in energy and excitement you get from Ultra Accel.

Read more here about how you can upgrade and regain that ultra power. (Click here)
I feel it, and that's why I keep taking it.
I want you to be next.
Choose the package you want below and click the button.
It's that easy.
To your good health,

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