Friday, August 14, 2015

Know Disease Through Your Feet

Know Disease Through Your Feet

When someone is suffering from a particular disease, symptoms usually can be seen from the changes in their limbs. Even signs of the disease can be detected through the state foot. How can that be?
Quoted from Boldsky. com, the feet can reveal the state of your overall health. Because the foot has a health point looks. Some diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, and heart disease can even be seen in the foot before you go even when checked by a doctor. Here is his statement. 
1. Dry Feet
If you experience dry feet, maybe you suspect that you are less applying moisturizer. But actually when your feet dry and chapped skin, it is a sign of thyroid problems. Thyroid problems associated with the thyroid gland is generally going to make the sufferer easily tired, sluggish, rising body temperature, and body metabolism system that is not smooth.
2. Wounds that do not heal
Wound in the foot is normal. But if not heal, maybe it is a sign of diabetes.Because blood sugar levels that are not resolved in the body will result in poor blood flow also advance the foot. When the blood does not reach the wound, the wound becomes never healed.
3. Pain in the legs
Which took place at the foot pain is generally caused by high levels of purines in the body. Purines can cause an increase in uric acid in the body that cause pain or sciatica. The purine compounds commonly found in red meat, alcohol, as well as fish.
4. There is a red line under the nail
The emergence of the red line under your toenails are the most important symptom of a heart infection. The red line is visible due to damaged blood vessels. As well as blood vessels and blood flow associated with heart health. Those who are doing chemotherapy or HIV patients are also often experienced this sort of thing.
5. Swelling around the nail
Swelling around the toenails or the meaning of clubbing is the most important signs of the onset of lung cancer. With the exception of lung cancer, clubbing is also commonly faced by those who have problems with the lungs, heart disease, or bowel disease.
Foot side of the body so often go unnoticed. Even though as explained above, the foot can be a medium of onset of the disease. Therefore from now on try to look at the health of your feet, and even the slightest changes that occur in it.


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